DIY Beauty Don’ts…

Skincare, skincare, skincare. Where do we start. DIY skincare is shown all over your socials about how safe and affordable it is compared to your salon bought products. Just because you can find these products in your kitchen cupboard or your bathroom doesn’t mean...

DIY Beauty at Home …

What beauty treatments can we do ourselves at home to ensure we maintain our salon treatments and get continued results?   Nimue Skincare Following our facial treatments we would always recommend that clients continue to look after their skin at home. Doing this...

Happy World Mental Health Day

Happy World Mental Health Day! Acknowledging this day is very important for all of us here at the salon. In one way or another, we have all suffered with mental health in the past and have all dealt with it differently. There is no right or wrong way to confront your...

Debunking Beauty Myths

We all know something about beauty, even those who think they are clueless. But… How much of what we know is really true? Myth 1 – Shaving causes hair to come back darker, thicker and faster. FALSE Shaving absolutely does not cause hair to come back any...

The more you drink, the more you SHRINK!!

Want the fat gone and to resculpt your body? Then BBL is for you. BBL stands for Brazilian booty Lift, don’t be fooled this isn’t just for the bum. We cover the ENTIRE body!!! Including the face…who would’ve thought. BBL is a 4 step process involving: L.E.D light...