As a mother of 3 children I have been there…. the sleepless nights, running around like a headless chicken not being able to justify working due to the expense of childcare and the list goes on…..

After gaining my BA (hons) in Childcare and Education, I worked within the childcare industry for 6 years before having my first child… then my world changed. As a mother how could I spend all day looking after other people’s children and not be able to afford to pay for someone to look after my own…. you can relate right? So that’s when I went onto the next chapter of my life…..

There I was following my beauty therapy passion, training in London as a nail technician. Then months later I was known as  ‘Mummy’ by day, nail technician by night. Practise makes perfect so I began practising anytime I could to ensure I would give the best to each and every one of my clients. By this point I had 2 children, I was a single mother, had no childcare and no family within a 50-mile radius.

When did I ever get time for me? Well I didn’t. When did I ever get time to pamper myself?.. Well I didn’t. When did I ever get to exercise for my own health and wellbeing? Huh what the hell was exercise?

10 years on and here I am… I have finally got to a point in my life where I can ensure parents like me are finally given an opportunity to have time to themselves.  Why am I doing this? Because I get it, I 110% understand and right now I am in a position to help CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

After living as an army wife, I realise the daily struggles and want to be able to give the local community something I never had.  I recognise how important it is to have some time to yourself, happy parents equal happy children.

It’s vital to have ‘me time’ for your own well-being happiness and mental health.  We often forget about prioritising ourselves because we are too busy running around after our children, school, and their extra-curricular activities. Looking after a family and running a house, let alone working, often feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day for us.  So, what is it that is stopping you from looking after yourself and having some ‘me time’? It could be time, or even the guilt of having spare time that you could be spending time with your children/husband or even working. Once thing I’ve learnt… don’t feel guilty, even if its 15 minutes with a cup of tea or popping to the gym for 30 minutes.

Top Tips for having more ‘me time’…

  • Plan Ahead

Schedule some me time, even if it’s just once a month. Pop it into your calendar, book a creche session with us and plan how to make best use of your much needed ‘YOU time’. You do it with a dentist or even the doctors, so why not with this as believe me it’s just as important.

  • Don’t over commit

If you don’t have time to do something for someone else then don’t. Everyone will always find things to fill your time with. Remember your time is just as crucial as the next persons.  From my experience you don’t get anywhere in life by give give giving and never taking that special time out for yourself. If you don’t make time for yourself no one else will – trust me.

  • Switch off your phone

Now this one I am still trying to get to grips with. Look at how much time is spent on your phone – is it a certain app that is using up your precious time?  Admittedly even when I go to the gym I’m there stopping to reply to clients, so yep… I’m guilty of this one.  Book in for a treatment with us so that phone stays well away from your hands.

  • The Creche

I have carefully selected my staff to ensure your little ones are in safe hands. All staff that enter the creche are qualified, DBS checked professionals and are also paediatric first aid trained. For your peace of mind while you are having treatments you will have the use of our iPads on site to watch your children through our advanced CCTV system.

Just remember you can’t give to others, if you don’t give to yourself first.