Want the fat gone and to resculpt your body? Then BBL is for you. BBL stands for Brazilian booty Lift, don’t be fooled this isn’t just for the bum. We cover the ENTIRE body!!! Including the face…who would’ve thought.

BBL is a 4 step process involving:

L.E.D light therapy: these target unwanted fat cells, softening the outer layer of fat cells whilst making our skin appear more youthful.

Cavitation: burst your fat cells! Meaning they’re gone forever helping you drop those unwanted pounds before the summer. This stage happens on the face and all over the body to either contour your jaw and help on those chins or to give you the thigh gap you’ve always dreamed of….the list goes on.

Radio Frequency: this stage regenerates collagen production making out skin appear tighter and firmer making our bodies look smooth whilst also helping to tackle cellulite and stretch marks. This stage also helps improve any wrinkles, hooded eyes or even lift the brow for the face.

Vacuum Suction: to lift and plump your booty by replacing the unwanted fat cells we broke down to your booty. We use a smaller vacuum on the face to help contour our cheeks and jaw but is also used on small areas for stretch mark removal. On other areas like the tummy we do a manual massage to drain the unwanted fat to lymph nodes so our body can natural filter this out of our system.

Aftercare…we can’t do it all for you. It’s so important you drink plenty of water after and before your appointments as the body will work quicker at draining the left over fat. Drinking alcohol, coffee, tea (anything other than water) your body will filter this first than the unwanted fat we have created. Additionally, going for a walk keeps your body moving to help drain the unwanted fat.

Written by Holly